Wednesday, May 14, 2008

10 Problems with Athiestic Evolution

Here are ten problems with Athiestic Evolution as identified by Pastor Mark Driscoll (Mars Hill Church - Seattle, WA) in a recent sermon entitled "Creation: God Makes":

1. It assumes that nothing made everything

2. It assumes that chaos created order

3. It assumes that no designer created what is designed

4. It assumes impersonal matter created personal beings

5. It assumes unintelligent made intelligent

6. It assumes a transition between species existed over a long period of time (no evidence)

7. It has been unable to replicate evolution

8. It assumes earth is eternal (contra "Big Bang" theory and second law of thermodynamics)

9. It leads to hopelessness and despair (you came from nothing and are going nowhere)

10. It's biased and based on bad science

By God's Grace, Jeff

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