Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A "Likely" Good Read

I was excited to get my hands on the book "An Unlikely Disciple." It's a memoir about one non-Christian's experiences during a semester at Christian college Liberty University. A nominal Quaker journalism student from Brown University decided instead of spending a semester abroad that he'd spend a semester immersing himself in Evangelical Christian culture. As an evangelical Christian and pastor I thoroughly enjoyed his reflections on campus life, church services and Christian college students. The one aspect that I didn't like was that the author had to assume a fake persona in order to truly get an insider's perspective (i.e. he told everyone he was an evangelical Christian and acted like one while there). Nonetheless I highly recommend this book for your reading pleasure and spiritual stimulation. I won't give the end away but he certainly walked away from his semester at Liberty with a new understanding.

So with only one season left to watch (unless more come out on DVD), I'm leading my wife 2-1 on predicting winners of "The Amazing Race." We've watched three seasons (1, 7 and 13) and we've just started season 14. I was holding a commanding 2-0 lead until her team pulled out an unexpected victory over my number one team (Rob & Amber from Survivor) in season 7. The way this works is that after viewing the short bio of each team at the beginning of episode one, we each pick three teams that we think have the best chance of winning that season's race. I feel like my wife has the best team in season 14 (she picked first), while two of my three teams are strong competitors. We'll see if she can even the series or if I'm able to stretch my lead.

This past Wednesday a few of us from the church met to walk around our community while lifting up families, businesses and churches in prayer. We had great weather and it was fun to get out and spend some time walking through Underwood, pausing each block to pray for spiritual revival and the needs of our neighbors. I had hoped that the turnout would have been better and so this week I've invited people who don't think they can walk that much to drive around parts of the community and pray. So please pray that more people join us this week and that we're able to blanket our entire town with prayer.

By God's Grace, Jeff

1 comment:

drh said...

I like the competition you and Harmony have going.