Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am Thankful for Dog-Sitters

On Sunday evening, two of the youth from our church came over to dog-sit Lewis so that my wife and I could drive down to Bismarck for the Casting Crowns concert. I felt bad...not for leaving the dog but for Mark and Emily! He can be a handful in the evenings especially but I think they managed okay. He certainly seemed no worse-for-where and they were at least able to get out of the house, enjoy some pizza and root-beer floats and watch some movies. We went out to eat at Olive Garden (I know, big time right?) and made it to to Civic Center a few minutes after the concert began. It was a great show even if we knew only about half of their songs.

Earlier that day our church hosted an "End of the Summer Worship-in-the-Park." Unfortunately, the weather was not nearly as good as our two previous outdoor services. It was a bit breezy but at least the sun was out and by the time the BBQ started it had warmed up. We had six friends and family members join us for this event and had great food, fellowship and fun. This summer has been packed with ministry events, so fortunately this was the last major one of the season. I'm ready for school to start so we can get back to a somewhat normal schedule.

On Wednesday night we had our first church book club meeting to discuss John Piper's book, "Don't Waste Your Life." We had a good discussion and I am glad that so many members of the church signed up to read this book. I hope that God will use Pastor John Piper's writings in the hearts and lives of members of our church in the same way that He's used him in my own life.

By God's Grace, Jeff

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