Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Snow Shovel Works

Yep, on Thursday morning we had a half inch of snow on the ground. I got some practice in shoveling the driveway (although the rest melted by the afternoon). The weather has certainly been getting colder but we've still had some nice days (low 60s this past Saturday). I've always said, I don't want to hear talk about Global Warming from anyone who hasn't spent a winter in some place like Illinois or North Dakota.

This Saturday Harmony and I made our bi-monthly trip down to Bismarck. We purchased some Christmas items including lights since this will be the first time we won't make it back to see our families over the holidays. We caught a movie and had McDonald's for lunch (until you live an hour from the nearest fast-food you won't understand the significance of that statement).

I finished up the adult Sunday School series on the Spiritual Disciplines this past Sunday and am excited to share about Charles Haddon Spurgeon this coming Sunday. In the last Spiritual Disciplines lesson, we saw what it looks like to persevere in the Disciplines. It's one thing to be excited to study the Bible, pray, serve now but what about in a couple months when they aren't as fresh on your mind. I know I have at times been known to start something only to give up on it within six months. Harmony is even surprised I've stuck with this blog!

The sermon this Sunday was on 1 Peter 4:7-11 and was entitled "The end is live like it!" It was a great challenge to me to consider how I'm living my life in light of Judgment coming soon. If you'd like to check it out for yourself click here.


drh said...

Bro, keep up the bloggage! Quality stuff!

Pastor Jeff Higbie said...

Thanks Dave, I appreciate the encouragement!