Monday, January 7, 2008

Blogging Around the House

Well we've finally done it. We've given in. We tried to make it work for so long but alas we gave up. We bit the bullet and got home Internet! Now I can blog from home (as I am doing this very minute). You may think it's strange that I would bother mentioning getting broadband Internet but we've always worked at places that had Internet and so figured it was one expense we could do without. However, for various reasons we recently reconsidered. And so here I am trying away at the kitchen table while dinner is in the oven.

The basketball team was in a local tournament this weekend and didn't play so hot. We lost our first two games but did come back to win the third. In the first game we lost to a team we'd already played and lost to previously this season. In the second game we lost to a team that we'd already played and beat this season! It was disappointing to say the least. However, I am continually reminding myself that my main goal in working with these kids is not to win but to build realtionships with them, their families and to serve the community in a way that will best enable God to use me for His good purposes.

Sunday was my wife's birthday and we celebrated with Taco Bell. Now, you may think that's either a strange birthday meal request or I'm incredibly cheap. However, you have to remember that for us, going out to eat locally on a Sunday is NOT an option. Both of the cafes in town are closed one Sundays. Furthermore, the nearest fast food chain is an hour away (pretty much in any direction). So, we drove down to Bismarck after church and had Taco Bell before trying to go see a regional curling qualifier (the real reason we went to Bismarck for her birthday). Unfortunately, Sundays "rinks" (or matches) were only needed if there was a tie...which there was not. So we settled for seeing a movie before going out for dinner at an Italian restuarant.

The movie we saw was called "Juno" and was about a teenage girl who becomes pregnant and and goes through the process of trying to figure out what to do in the midst of normal ongoing teenage drama. I thought it was not only well done but also brought up a number of good issues for discussion. I am convinced that the Christian community needs to be willing to come alongside teenage or single mothers who decide not to get abortions instead of just dropping them after getting them to choose life and moving on to the next moral crusade.

This was the second week in our preaching series through Ezra. I tackled Ezra chapter two which is basically a long list of those who returned from exile. It was neat to see how a passage of Scripture that we often skip right over actually has a lot to speak to us today if we would just stop and listen. Remember, "all Scripture is God-breathed..."

By His Grace, Jeff

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