Monday, January 14, 2008

There's a New Youth Group in Town

This past Wednesday we started up a junior and senior high youth ministry at the church. The kids really enjoyed our first event and I think are excited about inviting their friends. We're starting off by using a series called "Christianity Explored" that basically goes through the Gospel of Mark adressing such questions as, who is Jesus, why did he come and what does it mean to follow him? Harmony and I are team teaching the group with two other couples from the church. Please pray for us as we seek to lead these kids well, for them to grow in their faith and to desire to invite their friends.

Sunday was the third week in our series through the book of Ezra and we exmained chapter three, learning that worship is the priority for God's people. It's amazing that almost immediately upon returning to the Promised Land, the people begin rebuilding the altar and temple so that they can properly worship the Lord. I believe we have a lot to learn from them about the importance of prioritizing worship in our own lives and in the Church today. If you'd like to listen to the sermon on Ezra 3:1-13 entitled "Worship is the Priority for God's people" click here.

I realized I haven't mentioned any books I've been reading lately so I thought I should do that. I recently finished a book by Pastor Mark Dever at Capitol Hill Baptist in DC entitled "The Gospel and Personal Evangelism." It was a great encouragement and challenge in sharing my faith. I am also currently reading a book by C.J. Mahaney entitled "Humility: True Greatness". He makes a passionate plea for Christians to actively seek to pursue humility in their daily lives. Finally, Harmony and I are reading a marriage book by Dave Harvey with an interesting title, "When Sinner's Say I do". It has been very refreshing for us to read advice about marriage that is rooted in the Gospel, rather than in pop psycology or ones that focuse on the symptoms rather than the problem (i.e. lack of communication instead of our sin nature).

The basketball team had two games this week and went one and one. We beat a team we'd already defeated earlier this season on Thursday and then lost to probably the best team in our district on Friday. The JV team won both of their games including scoring a basket with 1.6 seconds left to win by two on Friday.

Please pray that I would continue to grow in love for our church and our community and pray for Harmony and she continues adjusting to her new responsibilities at the library.

By God's Grace, Jeff

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