Saturday, April 19, 2008

Crazy Week

Well, I officiated my first funeral...and it wasn't even for someone in the congregation I serve. Tragically, the mom of one of the fifth graders on the basketball team I coach was killed in a small plane crash on Friday Arpil 11th (also the aunt of another player on the team). I reached out to the family and especially to the kids and as a result the grandmother and aunt asked if I'd officiate the funeral. They have some connection with one of the Lutheran churches in town and so I actually co-officiated the funeral with the interim pastor there (which was actually nice because he's a retired pastor with many funerals under his belt). As difficult as thsi situation is (and will continue to be for sometime), I can sense that there's a reason I was asked and accepted the opportunity to coach these kids and therefore have the chance to get to know the son and nephew. This is a family with a rough history and so I would appeciate your prayers for God to give me wisdom in to how to continue ministering to them.

Beyond running around visiting the family and making funeral preparation, I've been busy with the basketball team and trying to keep up with things for the church as well. Coaching the fourth, fifth and six-graders has been challenging and I won't be sad to see the season come to an end after next week. But I hope i've been able to develop some relationships with the players and families and continue to express a love for and desire to serve the community God's called me to.

Last Sunday I preached the first sermon in the year-long series through Matthew. It was on all of chapter one and was entitled "The Promised One has Come." If you'd like to listen to it you can by clicking here.

Harmony is enjoying her extra free time now that she's found someone to help out with the library hours (She's even taken up quilting).

By God's Grace, Jeff.

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