Tuesday, June 24, 2008

57% Don't Understand Why Jesus Had to Die

According to the findings of a recent study, 57% of evangelical church attenders believe other religions can lead adherents to spend eternity in heaven. Now, I'm not sure about the methodology of this survey but the results are striking and despressing. This means nearly six out of ten congregants sitting in the pews of the average evangelical, bible-believing, gospel preaching church in America do not believe Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

This leads me to believe that it also means 57% of evangelicals do not understand the seriousness of their own sin before a holy God and why Jesus had to die. In no other religion does the one worshipped sacrifice himself for those His worshipers. Why Jesus? If there are many ways to heaven why did Jesus have to die? What did His death accomplish if we didn't need a subtitutionary sacrifice for our sin but could be made right with God in other ways?

As troubling as the result of this survey are, they are also a call for the continual need for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached in our churches...even among those who consider themsevles Christians. The truth is, we never move on from the gospel but only to a deeper understanding and applictaion of it in our lives.

I at least am thankful that Jesus died because I know there is no other way I could be saved.

By God's Grace, Jeff

1 comment:

wretchlikeme said...

Pastor Jeff, I'm more troubled with the statistic which shows that ONLY 7% of professing christians believe the Bible is the Inspired, Inerrant and Infallible Word Of God.Who are the Other 93% praying to?