Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Something Bit Me

To quote the movie Forest Gump, "Something bit me!" On Monday evening we were preparing for our usual routine of doing some dog training in the backyard before him taking us on a walk around town when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on the side of my leg. I don't know if it was a bee or wasp or something else. Now I am jumpy every time I go outside without long pants on. I haven't been stung by a bee since freshman year at college while walking in Birkenstocks to a football game. By the way, does anyone still wear Birkenstocks? They seemed to be all the rage when I was in college but come to think of it, I can't recall seeing anyone wearing them recently.

Yesterday afternoon I had to opportunity to hang out with a couple of junior highers. They asked some amazing questions about the afterlife, what heaven will be like and about other religions. I am quite certain that I was not thinking those kind of thought when I was thirteen. I'm pretty sure the kind of deep, thoughtful questions I was pondering were realted to how to get girls to like me. I had a fun time hanging out with them, getting to share the gospel and hopefully shed light on some of their questions. I made it a point to let them know that I don't have all the answers but I know the One who does and can at least point them to Him.

Last Tuesday was a teacher inservice on the day before school started. The Ministerial organization in town hosted a luncheon for the teachers and staff to show our appreciation for all of the hard and important work that they do because we know they rarely receive the recognition that they deserve for molding young minds. It was fun to hang out with the other pastors in town while serving hamburgers and hot dogs and encouraging our local educators.

Next Wednesday will be the kick-off of our "Community Group." We took a break from our weekly bible study and prayer time this summer and it gave us an opportunity to rethink through why we meet together mid-week and what we want to accomplish during that time. I hope that renaming our time together will enable us to communicate more clearly what it is all about to our congregation. We want to be intentional about building community between us and God (sanctification), between believers (fellowship) and in the community as a whole (service). Please pray for us as we kick-off our Community Group in the next couple weeks.

Please pray for me to continue growing as a leader, especially of a predominatly older congregation. All of my previous leadership experience had been with those my own age or younger. I want to especially grow in being quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19). Pray also for my wife and I to grow in our love for our community and our commitment to prayer.

By God's Grace, Jeff

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