Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Growing up in the city, I always associated chores with something kids do for an allowance. I remember having to do chores such as taking out the trash, vacuuming the stairs, and picking up after the dog in the backyard. So it's interesting to hear fifty-year-old farmers talking about having chores to do each morning. And although I haven't asked, I'm pretty sure they don't receive an allowance from their parents when they're done.

Well, as you can tell from a previous post, the fantasy baseball draft took up most of my Saturday. Ever since college a bunch of my friends have had a baseball rotisserie league. And over the years it has gone through numerous changes. The first year half of us drafted NL players and the other half drafted AL and one guy kept the stats for the entire league. At one point we changed it into a keeper league (you can hold over a certain number of players for the next season) but then we changed back to redrafting new teams every season.

We have guys from Wisconsin that draft Brewers, Ohio that draft Indians and Michigan that draft Tigers...way too early! It's been fun to over-the-years see who certain guys seem to always want on their team. Mike likes well-known veterans (who usually have a good year when he gets them). Matt likes speed (I think he drafted Ichiro 3-4 years in a row). And as you can imagine there have also been many hilarious moments on draft day throughout the years. The number one has got to be when John mistakenly clicked on "Roman Martinez" (a mediocre pitcher) instead of "Pedro Martinez" (the best pitcher) with his number one overall draft pick.

Even though we've all long since graduated, moved away, started careers, changed careers, moved back, got engaged, got married and started families, as many as can make it still try to get together at someone's house in the Chicago area on draft day. I haven't been able to make it the last couple years and so have had to draft remotely; online. And even though it doesn't help one's team to be present, you sure miss out on a lot of the memories from draft day.

I'm having problems uploading sermons so I apologize for the not posting the last couple of weeks yet. I hope to have this resolved soon.

By God's Grace, Jeff

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