Friday, March 6, 2009

Local Flavor

For those of you who do not subscribe to the Bismarck Tribune or live outside of central/western North Dakota, I wanted to give you a little taste of the local flavor. In honor of having recently seen (and thoroughly enjoyed) "Marley & Me" based on the newspaper columns of a Florida writer, I want to let you in on a treasure buried in the Friday edition of the Bismarck Tribune; columnist Kelly Hagen. My wife and I look forward to reading his hilarious and culturally relevant snippets each week. This week Kelly ponders the "near" miss of the recent asteroid and its impact on his life, including his advice to the Defense Department on how to deal with a future potential cosmic collision. So, for a taste of Bismarck's hidden gem, click here.

By God's Grace, Jeff

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, Jeff. No one's ever called me a gem, before. I think I might smile all day. I appreciate it.

-Kelly Hagen