Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lewis' faithful Newfinland

Harmony and I took the opportunity on my day off this week to begin checking out some of the sightseeing spots in our new area. In Washburn (13 miles south of Underwood) there's a learning center and model of the fort Lewis and Clark wintered at during there exploration of the Louisana Purchase. In addition to a lot of information about their journey in general, their winter in North Dakota in particular and the Native Americans they encountered along the way, there's also a large copper statue of Meriwhether Lewis' Newfinland canine, Seaman. North Dakota has a large Native American population and certainly has influenced the history of the state. Our community does not have a large Native American influence but a number of Native American families live here and we would appreciate your prayers as we seek to minister to them.

I had my first regular Elder meeting at Faith Evangelical. I am greatful for the opportunities I had while training for ministry to sit in on a couple Elder meetings, both at EBF and at Capitol Hill Baptist during a "Weekender" conference. I would highly recommend this conference to anyone planning on entering pastoral ministry and would encoruage pastors to give other men in their congregations that either may be preparing for ministry or may be future candidates for eldership to sit in on an Elder meeting. A couple of useful suggestions I have learned as a result of attending elder meetings before leading one myself is to have a "care list" of members who need special prayer (e.g. health), encouragement (e.g. recently bereaved) or challenge (e.g. non-regular attender) and to pray through the membership roster as an elder board.

Harmony and I are having a wonderful time getting to know the people of Faith Evangelical as we've been getting together for dinner, dessert or games with a couple of family each week with the goal of getting around to each family in the first couple months we're here. This past week I also attended my first "civic clib" meeting. This is a group of local business leaders (including pastors) who get together monthly to plan city events and seek ways to invest in the community.

Pray for Harmony and I to be faithful witnesses of the Gospel as we meet people in our new community and to have wisdom for leading our church to a more God-honoring place. If you'd like to listen to my sermon on 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 entitled "Loving Others & the Word Shows Maturity" click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Higbie! It is a blast to follow your blog. Sounds like God has you guys in an awesome place! We continue to pray for you guys.

When you mentioned the North Dakota Indians, I remembered a story I had found a year or so ago. The funny thing is that when I found it, I never thought much of it because it did not pertain to Cherokee Indians, but I logged it in my brain anyway. In any case, there is a legend that pertains to the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Indian tribes. Perhaps you will find it useful. Have you ever heard of the Indian prophecy of the White Buffalo?

For background and some interesting literature follow these links:
White Buffalo Miracle
Sioux Beliefs of the Sacred White Buffalo

The first link is just info that sparked a return of the legend. The second link, however has a story by Lakota Chief Chasing Horse that you should read (esp. if you've never heard the Indian prophecy of the White Buffalo). I think you will find some similarities with the Gospel and some background that may be helpful or useful to you in your ministry.

God speed and His blessings to you, my friend. I wish you were closer, but I trust God to keep us where we each need to be.

Grace and peace,