Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We're Official...

...North Dakotians that is. On Thursday our ND license plates arrived so we're no longer the only ones around w/ IL plates and on Monday we went down to Bismarck and got our drivers licenses switched over. Now there are officially two more citizens in the third least populated state in the country!

I have mentioned to a number of people that living w/in an hour of Bismarck has made our transition easier b/c for only being a city of about 50,000, it has everything you could need. The one thing that was missing was a Chipotle. Yesterday Harmony and I ate at Qdoba and while it isn't quite as tasty as Chiptole, it was very good and provides me a place nearby to get a large burrito!

On Saturday I invited one of the other pastors in town over to watch the ND/Michigan football game. It was nice to have a fellow Irish fan to commiserate how bad ND is this year! It has been nice getting it know some of the other local pastors and even talking about planning some events together in the future.

On Friday Harmony and I has supper (not dinner, which is lunch, while lunch is an afternoon light meal traditionally taken out to farmers by their wives) with a family that were farmers before retiring. One of their sons still farms here in Underwood and after supper they took us out to the farm to watch the guys chop corn for feed. Corn has become a hot commodity in the last few years due to the emergence of the ethanol industry. Corn for sale to the ethanol plants won't be ready to harvest for a few more weeks but farmers dedicate a portion of their corn field to be chopped while it is still green (has moisture in it) to store for animal feed during the winter. They had two choppers begin towed by tractors and two flatbed trucks running chopped corn from the field to the farm and then back just in time to fill up again. We are really enjoying learning about farming. Did you know that a "section" refers to a square mile plot of land and is divided into four "quarters"?

Over the last few weeks in addition to preaching, I have been leading the adult Sunday School hour. We are going through a ten week series on the Spiritual Disciplines (e.g. prayer, service, fasting) with the point being that these are God's appointed means for helping us grow in godliness. The last two weeks have been on the importance of and how to read, hear, study, memorize and meditate on Scripture. I am mainly relying on a book by Donald Whitney called "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life." I would highly recommend it to anyone who would like to learn more about and seek to grow in the area of the Spiritual Disciplines.

The sermon this Sunday was an expostion on 1 Peter 2:4-10 entitled "Built for God's Glory". This passage refers to Jesus as God's cornerstone (part of the foundation that sets the lines for the rest of the building) and promises that anyone who values the rock of Jesus will not be shaken but also that He will be the demise for those who discard Him like a useless shard. If you would like to hear more click here.

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