Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Misunderstanding Leads to Rejection

This past Sunday I preached on Matthew 13:53-14:12 (Jesus' unwelcomed homecoming and John's beheading by Herod). The title and main point of the passage as I saw in how it relates to us is "misunderstanding leads to rejection." Jesus was willfuly misunderstood by the citizens of Narareth who didn't want to believe that someone they grew up with could have become greater than them. Jesus and John were both willfuly misunderstood by Herod Antipas who preferred pleasing people than acting like a "king". We do the same thing today when we hold on to our misconceptions and doubts about Jesus and the Bible instead of considering if the problem might actually lie with us and being willing to accept the truth in spite of our questions or concerns. If you'd like to listen to the sermon, click here.

By God's Grace, Jeff

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